Paper Wings

This image, except for minor cropping and sharpening, is just as it appeared in the field.  Taken from a kayak with a long lens, the narrow focus on just the butterfly and flower in an otherwise busy, fresh-water marsh scene with lots of other movement and detail, makes the scene seem a bit surreal.  The yellowish light is partially due to the early morning sun and my experimenting with settings on the camera.  Painters mix and modify pigments to get certain effects in their renderings of a scene.  So can, and do, photographers. I like it because the light is so directionally on target and the subject so beautifully isolated.  It speaks so well of the way nature has many worlds within endless worlds, like a lone solar system with humans, among a billion galaxies.
Chassahowitzka River Florida
2010-07-07 (19)

Callaway Gardens
Pine Mountain, Georgia
2016-03-24 (160)

Callaway Gardens
Pine Mountain, Georgia
2016-03-24 (178)
Persimmon tree with Periodical Cicada (Magicicada septendecim)
Skyshadow Farm
Spring Lake, Florida
2009-08-13 DSC 0023

Gulf Fritillery Butterfly
(2013-08-17 Farm-Btrfly_8.jpg)
Spring Lake, Florida

Gulf Fritillery Butterfly
(2013-08-17 Farm-Btrfly_64.jpg)
Spring Lake, Florida

Gulf Fritillery Butterfly
(2013-08-17 Farm-Btrfly_45.jpg)
Spring Lake, Florida
Clipper Butterfly
Florida Museum of Natural History, Gainesville, Florida

Black Swallowtail
Spring Lake, Florida

Spring Lake, Florida

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